Friday, April 28, 2023

Archangel Road Ski

 I went cross country skiing today with my friend Pam and Baby. Dahla, her dog, was at the groomers, so she missed out on this little ski adventure. It was a gorgeous day and perfect temperature. I thought the snow might be very icy, but instead, it had been fairly recently groomed then covered with a couple inches of fluffy light powder that fell overnight. It was so smooth and fast. Baby wasn't interested in leading but followed behind me in my ski tracks. We went just to the place where the trail becomes multi-use and the snowmachines had chewed up the trail. It was then too rough to be enjoyable. So we turned around just before reaching the little bridge over Archangel Creek. The trip back was really fast because now Baby wanted to run the whole way. I could almost stand still and keep moving as fast as I would normally be able to ski. But I don't want that tiny dog to be actually doing work, so I pushed as hard as I could to try to keep up with her. It was so nice. I hated to see us finally get back to the cars. 

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