Friday, July 19, 2024

South Rolly Lake Kayak

I really wanted to get out on the water with my kayak today. It wasn't the most perfect weather day but it was mostly sunny, calm and not raining. I drove up to Nancy Lake to see if I could find an interesting place to kayak. I ended up at the end of the road and figured that since I had not put in at Rolly Lake before, maybe I should try it today. It was dead calm and not very crowded. I wasn't sure where to actually access the water, so drove through the campground. I saw the little Tippecanoe Canoe Rental place and stopped and asked. There was a nice spot right near their building. I set up the boat and Bella and I took off around the entire circumference of the lake. She did her share of barking at people and dogs in campsites then settled down for a while. She still had to have a few conversations with water lilies and people passing in kayaks in the distance. It was getting kind of hot in the sun and she was panting a lot. A couple of swimming dogs got her attention as they jumped in the water chasing whatever their owners were tossing. I decided she might be a little jealous, because she was looking pretty warm there in the sun. So I lifted her up by her life vest and gently put her in the water for a brief swim. I'm not sure whether she liked it or not, but she stopped panting for the rest of our little trip. I think she looked much more comfortable. Near the shoreline I noticed lots of tiny yellow and white dwarf water lilies. I have never seen them before. There were also some of the typical bright yellow larger ones, but the little ones were so beautiful that I took a few photos of them. As we got back to our launch spot, Bella attracted the attention of several delighted little children. They are always her biggest fans. It was a delightful little kayak excursion and I plan to come back to that area and try some of the other lakes soon.

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