Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rabbit Slough/Palmer Slough Kayak

 Today was really fun because I almost always kayak alone. But my neighbors, John and Cheryl asked if I'd like to join them and our mutual friends, Rose and Mel for a little kayak trip at Rabbit Slough. My friend Mark came along with his little Old Town canoe. Due to the current tides, we elected to paddle upstream rather than go downstream and fight the strong current getting back. I always prefer the upstream route because I think it's a little more interesting. I'm always trying to find a route up Wasilla Creek to the Wasilla Creek Boardwalk, but as in the past, today we ended up in a passage too narrow for our boats. We could paddle forever out there among the water plants and little inlets. It was really fun to finally have some company too. Bella got hot again so I gave her a little quick dip in the water and she stopped panting after that. I'm not sure what she thinks of that process, but she seems more comfortable on hot days if she gets to cool off. It's always so beautiful and peaceful out on the water. We should get together and do this more often.

Cheryl Harkey


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