Monday, July 22, 2024

Marmot Mountain

 This morning looked like a perfect day to stay in bed, under the covers by a roaring fire. But the Valley Wanderers had planned to climb Marmot Mountain today, so I extricated myself from my bed and made it to the trailhead. It was cold and dank and the mountains were surrounded by thick layers of clouds. I kept expecting the others to decide to cancel. But, nope, we started up the trail. At first we were totally in the fog and I continued to wonder why we were doing this! One of my main reasons I like to climb, is for the amazing views when up high. Today didn't look at all promising. But as we got to the higher parts of the ridge, we were surprised with a view of the peaks of the mountains around us. On top of the ridge, we were above the clouds. It was fascinating watching the clouds roll in and out in between the peaks and ridges. This whole climb is a long a very rugged ridge, with many rock precipices that can be interesting to negotiate. I let Bella off her leash and as usual, she took off and led the whole group to the top of the peak. Madeline also brought her dog, Biscuit, who got along great with Bella. I think they are now best buddies.  I'm so glad we didn't get discouraged by the weather because it was really a spectacular hike. We didn't even get rained on!

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