Monday, July 15, 2024

Kayak Paddle on Finger Lake

 The weather was marginal today, so I decided not to do the planned hike. It was kind of cold and very cloudy. I like to see the mountains and the view on long hikes in beautiful places. So I just took a couple of hours to kayak with Bella on Finger Lake. It was kind of chilly but at least it was calm, so I didn't have to fight the wind. I brought my full sized camera hoping to photograph some of the water birds. But Bella made that impossible because she insisted on barking furiously at every bird, as well as water plants, bushes, trees and overhead airplanes. Of course the birds immediately either flew away or dove under the water. Bella is kind of an odd kayaking passenger. But she is very entertaining anyway. I think she enjoys it, but then, who really knows?

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