Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Blueberry Knoll Again!

 Today I hiked up Blueberry Knoll again. This time with several other Valley Wanderer friends who couldn't do it on Saturday. It was more icy today and quite windy in places. I ended up carrying Baby in my pack because she was holding back and obviously getting cold from the wind. I almost didn't even go because she refused to go for her morning walk. I was concerned that she might not be feeling well or just exhausted from all the trips we did the last few days. But the wind was blowing up to about 40 mph at my house this morning, so likely it was just the wind causing her to abruptly turn around and run back into the house. Once we got to the Government Peak parking area, she seemed fine and raring to go. But after about a quarter mile, she started holding back and lifting a front leg. That is usually her way of saying she is cold and isn't interested in continuing. So I put her in my pack and carried her to the top. It was a beautiful day and the trail, although icy, was hard packed and easy to walk on as long as we were all wearing micro spikes on our boots. It got pretty windy on the ridges and any exposed areas. We didn't linger very long on the top for that reason. The picnic table is completely buried and I was standing right on top of it taking my pictures. I let the dog back out on her leash for the last mile because she was starting to get restless and by then it was much warmer. I really like this trail and soon I want to hike it all the way to the top of Government Peak. The views out across the valley are amazing. 

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