Friday, September 7, 2012


It was snowing and blowing and about 35 degrees, but I just couldn't get excited about trying to fight for a spot on the treadmill.  So bundled up and took it outside for another 5 miles.  It was invigorating to say the least.

Looking at my two Team In Training events, I decided it might be hard to reach the required minimums on both the Walt Disney World and Marathon de Paris events.  So, I just made the final donation to Disney and pointed my domain name to the Paris event.  But even though that page is linked to the Paris marathon, it is still a fundraiser for the Mt. Kilimanjaro climb and the Walt Disney Marathon.  It all goes to the same place and to the same important cause.  The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which is dedicated to finding a cure for blood cancers.  One day there will be a world free of cancer.

Please help in the fight with a donation

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