Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Short Run

Today was great.  Just a short 3 mile run but by far the fastest time in a long time.  It was very cold and very windy, so maybe that just made me run faster, who knows? I have lost a few pounds so maybe I can run faster without carrying an extra 5 pounds along with me! I was glad to see that I could finally pick up the speed while running outdoors.

It has been a frustrating day though because my E-mail account was attacked and I spent much more time fighting with that than I had wanted.  I hope the problem is solved now. I think I will be gradually switching over to my other E-mail address since that is not the first time it has happened.

I am not doing great with promoting my new Facebook Race 4 Cancer page.  So many charities and worthy causes out there.  But I do feel passionate about helping to find a cure for cancer.  I think prevention is something that has been overlooked too much also.  So many Americans are overweight or downright obese. It has to be a contributing factor.  I am leaning towards a vegan diet or at least cutting down severely on fatty foods, junk food, sweets, and animal products.  I am somewhat inspired after reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book EAT TO LIVE. He feels strongly that the typical American diet is a huge factor in the increasing incidence of cancer.  He encourages a diet mostly of fruits and green vegetables while limiting animal and oil products substantially.  Following his advice for a week I lost 3 pounds. Between that and the Ballet Beautiful exercises I have been doing, I'm feeling a lot more fit!

I want to see a cure for cancer and a bigger focus on prevention.  That is likely the key.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, always stands true.

The nightly fog was rolling in today.
Let's Fight Cancer!

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