Saturday, August 12, 2023

Government Peak to Blueberry Knoll Traverse

 I had some reservations about doing this hike this morning because it was very cloudy with rumors of rain. In fact, it was even raining and windy at my house when I left home. But I met with the Valley Wanderers at The Government Peak Recreation Center and we started up the very steep Government Peak Race Trail. I was very tired when we started this morning and wondered if I would even have the energy to do this quite strenuous hike. I was doing fine until about halfway to the sumit, when I felt myself really slowing down. But at that point, I sure didn't want to turn around and go back down that steep slope. Also it was at that point that very strong winds started to hit us. I had been too warm early from the climbing so was just wearing my T shirt and windbreaker. The other ladies gradually got ahead of me, but I could still see them slightly ahead. The higher we went, the stronger the wind became. Then light rain started. Now I was really getting cold. I wanted to add my other layers and put on my gloves and hat, but I also didn't want to lag any farther behind than I already was. So I toughed it out and made it to the summit. Then the rain got harder and also seemed a little icy, mixed with sleet. The wind whas horrid up on the ridge too. We didn't linger on top and my hands were too wet and cold to even try to take summit photos. I wish I could have though because the ridge down to Blueberry Knoll is really spectacular. I added all of the extra clothing I had with me, including the gloves and hat. We hurried down the steep ridge, bouncing through the boulder pile and trying to become mountain runners. I think we all moved faster than any of us usually do on steep downhills. But at least this route down was much gentler than the route we took up. Once we were halfway down, and were off of the ridge, suddenly, the sun came out and the wind and rain stopped. It was hard to believe we were still hiking on the same day we started. We all stopped and took off all of those extra clothes we had put on at the top. The vegetation is very high on this part of the trail. Sometimes it wasn't even possible to see your own feet. It was also very steep, wet and slick beneath our feet. I took a couple of hard falls, which caused my Apple Watch to beep and ask me if it needed to call emergency services because it appeared I had had a fall. I clicked the "No, I'm OK" option on the screen and continued down, in my now very muddy hiking pants. I'm much faster on the downhill so was ahead of the others except for two who had left the top just as I had arrived. The rest of the group had given me a few minutes to get on warm clothes and grab some food at the top. The descent was quite fast and I think we were all very happy to reach the parking lot. It was a tough hike but certainly a good workout for me. I'm a bit bruised and battered and a little sore, but glad for another exciting hiking experience. 

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