Friday, September 6, 2024

Wolverine Creek Run

 I've been hiking so much lately but rarely actually running. Since I have Equinox Marathon coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm going to start running in addition to climbing in the mountains. My favorite run from my house is just to run up the road and down in the canyon to Wolverine Creek and back. I put Bella on her leash and she ran with me. We did have a number of short stops because she needs to sniff at every blade of grass along the way. But for the most part, she did stay out ahead of me and ran the whole way. We only did 4.6 miles, but if felt good to simply run, not wearing a backpack or watching out for tree roots, steep mud and rocks that are everywhere on the hiking trails. It was really windy and I was glad I went back and grabbed my windbreaker. 

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