Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bear Mountain

 The weather looked a little marginal today but  few of the Valley Wanderers decided to chance it and try to hike up Bear Mountain then traverse along the ridge and complete the loop, descending along the Mt Eklutna Trail. It was cloudy but no rain most of the way, until we reached the summit plateau of Bear Mountain. Then it started to rain lightly.  It also started to get windy. The trail we had climbed was very steep and slightly muddy and slippery, so we had been looking forward to the loop and avoiding that steep trek down. But we didn't discuss it for more than a couple of minutes before we all voted to scamper back the way we came. After a bit of slipping and sliding on the mud, we all decided to put on our spikes to keep from falling our way down. By the time we got back to the main Peter's Creek Trail, it was raining substantially and we knew we had made the right decision. Bella was totally soaked and went straight to the kitchen sink for a bath the minute I walked in the front door.

The fall colors were splendid, even though their true colors were somewhat subdued by the rain and fog.

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