Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Gold Cord Lake

It's been raining for the last few days, too much to even bother to try hiking. In fact it is also raining today but not quite as hard. So I drove up to Hatcher Pass and hiked up to Gold Cord Lake, in the light rain. It was muddy on the trail as usual but it wasn't raining too hard. The fall colors are starting to show up on the drive up. I'm also seeing some snow on the mountaintops. It won't be long before the road over the pass is closed and we settle into winter. The trail wasn't very crowded today since it was raining, but we did pass a couple of people with dogs and I had to scoop Bella up to avoid a barking confrontation. She always has to try to start something when we meet other dogs on the trails. It was just a short 2 mile hike but felt good to get out of the house.

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