Wednesday, July 29, 2020

April Bowl

I hiked the beautiful April Bowl Trail today all the way to the top at Hatch Peak.  I am interested in hiking the route from Hatch Peak to Government Peak, but was not sure how to do it.  It's kind of hard to tell just looking at the map.  So today's hike was just an exploratory hike.  I easily found Hatch Peak.  While I was up there, I saw some hikers come up a ridge in the general direction of Government Peak.  I waited for them and asked about the route.  They showed me which peak is Government and showed me the route that they took.  I would now feel very comfortable doing it. However, I would prefer leaving a car at the Government Peak parking area and one at the April Bowl Parking area instead of just hiking to Government Peak than going back to April Bowl.  So now my challenge is to find someone willing to go with me. Since there is no actual trail, such a trek would be safer with another person than going alone anyway.

The picture below clearly shows the ridge walk that leads from Hatch to Government Peak. The red arrow points to Government Peak and the picture was taken from the top of Hatch Peak. I hope I can do it sometime in August.

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