Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Treadmill Today

Just another 5 miler on the treadmill.  I can't seem to wake up early enough to get in a good long run.  Maybe it's the continual darkness making my brain think it is always time to sleep.  I hope I don't have to resort to the alarm clock!!! 
But I had a good run today, indoors, considering it is currently 30 below zero.  I don't think I want to go for a run out there!

Good news today from my cousin Michael.  He is responding very well to chemo.  That's what my training is all about.  Running to help find a cure for cancer.  It seems like progress is slowly being made.  It's only through tedious medical research funded by contributions through charities and government programs that the much needed cure will be found.  My fundraising is very slow but I keep putting the word out.  I sure appreciate the support I have received so far.

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