Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mt Eklutna Climb

 I was hoping I had recovered from my tiredness on Friday. Apparently I got a good night's sleep last night because I felt fine today. I hiked with the Valley Wanderers up Mt Eklutna. Our intention was to do the loop, going first to the top of Mt Eklutna, then following the trail down to the saddle then up along the ridge to Bear Point, and taking that trail back down to the Peter's Creek Trail. But once we got to the saddle on our way up Mt Eklutna, we started running into large snow patches. We got to the top of the first false summit, then we could see that the trail quickly disappeared into deep soft rotten snow. It definitely looked too dangerous to continue. It's a steep slope and it would be easy to start sliding down, even wearing crampons or spikes. A couple of our group didn't even have those. Also, the weather was starting to move in. We found the same situation looking at the trail up towards Bear Point from the saddle. That trail also disappeared into similar dangerous conditions. So we decided to just go back down the way we came. It was a nice hike but a little disappointing because we had to abort our original plan. But it started raining pretty hard by the time we got back to the main trail, so we knew we had made the right decision.

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