Monday, June 24, 2024

High Ridge Climb

I hiked with the Valley Wanderers today up the Matanuska Peak Trail then up to the ridge between Matanuska Peak and Lazy Mountain. It was a beautiful sunny day. I was worried that I would be too tired and sore to do such a tough hike, with only one rest day after the marathon. But I felt fine and had no trouble. Once we got to the first saddle past Lazy Mountain, it became just a series of rolling hills up and down small peaks and rocky prominences. We had spectacular views of the Matanuska River Valley on the north side and the Knik River Valley on the south side. Most of the time, I let Bella be off her leash. Sometimes she would forge ahead and be way up ahead with whoever happened to be leading. But she always came running right back when I called her. When we reached the most logical place to head down, we descended a long tundra covered ridge until we reached thick brush. Bella sometimes disappeared in the brush since it was all over her head. We finally were reunited with the Matanuska Peak Trail and worked our way down to the trailhead. It was a long day of about 9 miles and 6 hours. I hope to get to hike up Matanuska Peak itself soon. Last summer every time I wanted to do it, the weather got bad. Hoping to do it soon while we still have summer weather.

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