Monday, June 10, 2024

Pepper Peak Climb

 I've been wanting to climb this peak for years but never got the chance. Today the Valley Wanderers had a different hike planned but we had to abandon that trail. We had planned to go downhill from the second bench on the Twin Peaks Trail, cross the creek then join he trail to the East Twin. From there, the plan was to climb to the ridge between Twin Peaks and Pepper Peak where you could look out over the whole valley below. But once we reached the creek we had to scrap that plan. The usually small creek was a raging torrent of a river and there was no way for us to cross it. We returned to the second bench then elected to hike up to the overlook on the ridge at the base of Pepper Peak. It was very windy on the ridge. We had a nice break and some snacks and discussed further options. Chris and Erin elected to climb Pepper Peak. They were quickly out of sight because they are very fast. Most of our original group of 14 turned back and descended back to the second bench or straight down the steep trail to the first bench. Virginia wanted to climb Pepper Peak and a few of the group started up the ridge trail. After awhile, our group had dwindled to just Virginia, Madeline and me, plus our two dogs. The ridge was steep but fairly gentle, but the wind was getting stronger. We reached an area of steep rock and loose scree. At that point, Madeline and her dog, Biscuit elected to turn back because she had done the climb before and didn't like the wind. I continued with Virginia. I had heard the trail gets kind of rocky and difficult in places, but I was surprised to see just how rocky it soon became. First we climbed a steep pinnacle, of loose rocks and scree with many places requiring both hands to climb. We had left our trekking poles just before heading up through the rocks because they can really be a hinderance when you need to actually rock climb. I kept Bella on her leash because many of the places were fairly treacherous and I didn't want to lose sight of her or put her in a dangerous situation. Once to the top of the first of these false summit pinnacles, we came to another one just like it. I was starting to wonder if I had made the right choice by continuing, but I managed to keep fairly close to Virginia, following in her footsteps. I can't say that it was really scary, but it was pretty intimidating at times. I didn't like when the rocks I stepped on slid down the mountain beneath me. Each time I thought we had reached the top, we arrived at another huge rocky pinnacle. Each one seemed higher and more treacherous than the last one. Virginia kept saying that we were almost there. Finally once we reached the last one of those, she pointed to a looming tundra and snow covered hill ahead that was the true summit. It looked so far away, but she was right, it wasn't hard to finally reach the top of it. There is a lovely plateau there where we all sat down and had a rest and some food. I had already given Bella all of the dog food that I brought, so I gave her most of the meat, cheese and crackers that I had for myself. I was pretty happy just to gobble down a Snickers bar. I was really worried about how nasty the trip down through all those rocks might be. But to my delight, it really wasn't too bad. I did keep Bella on her leash so she didn't get into trouble and I managed to keep her from pulling me over. Once out of the rocky pinnacles, it was easy sailing back to the overlook and I let the dog run free. We took the very steep trail down to the first bench on the Twin Peaks Trail. I had forgotten just how steep that trail is, and I took a couple of tumbles, but no damage to myself. We were so happy to see that first bench and then walk the nice soft improved trail back down to the parking lot. 8 1/2 miles total. There were wildflowers everywhere and it had become very sunny and beautiful. Even the wind finally stopped. I'm so glad I finally got to climb Pepper Peak. I was quite surprised to find out how difficult it was. I had often thought of going alone, but I doubt I'd have known where or if I had reached the summit. It was very helpful to do this trip with three veteran Pepper Peak climbers. I would not recommend climbing it alone due to the possibility of a slip and fall. But what a spectacular place it is!

Summit Shot

Bella on the summit snowfield

Eklutna Lake from the top

Descending the ridge with Chris, Erin and Virginia

Eklutna Lake from the steep trail to the first bench

Bella and me climbing in the rocks

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