Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Bella's First Kayak Ride

It was a beautiful sunny day and I'm quite hiked out after that steep trek yesterday. I put my folding kayak in my car and went to Reflections Lake with Bella. First we walked the one mile long trail around the lake. Then I got out the kayak and set it up on the shore. Bella was quite happy to hop in and sit on her little doggie cushion while we paddled around the lake, under the bridge and around all the little fingers on the far side of the bridge. We saw lots of birds. Bella liked barking at the seagulls and various shorebirds we saw along the lake. I wondered how she would feel about being out on the water. She seemed quite happy to be there looking around at all the birds and the hikers walking around the lake. Everyone waved at us and seemed to enjoy seeing her there looking like the primary navigator in her pink and orange life vest.  

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