Friday, May 31, 2024

Bodenburg Butte Hike

 Today I hiked up the Butte with Pam. We usually hike on Fridays because she doesn't work that day. I haven't done a lot of hiking lately because I've been tied up with some major projects at home. I spent two weeks building a small shed to house my snow blower, plus major landscaping projects. I've been mostly working non stop. It finally caught up with me and I was really exhausted when we started our little climb up the Butte. It's a steep hike but really quite short. At times, I almost felt like I wasn't going to make it. So we just took our time and enjoyed a sunny day. It was quite crowded with kids and dogs. So we had to keep our dogs on their leashes. I mostly always do that anyway, but Pam likes to let her dog run loose. It was busy up there but still a nice day for a hike. I think I need to take a couple days off yard work and sleep in tomorrow. Bella enjoyed herself though!

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