Saturday, August 14, 2021

Archangel Road

 My hiking club is planning a hike tomorrow to Fairangel Lakes. This trailhead is at the far end of Archangel Road. They are planning to drive to the trailhead, but my recollection is that this road is full of giant rocks and huge potholes and is really only suitable for high clearance large 4 wheel drive vehicles. Since I have never had the courage to drive past the Reed Lakes parking lot, I wanted to go up there today and see how the road is currently.  It was raining pretty hard and I found that this section past the bridge is still in the same bad condition I had remembered.  There were some smaller all wheel drive vehicles picking their way up through the mess, but my feeling still stands.  I wouldn't want to take a chance on that road even with my new Subaru. It is likely possible to drive it but it would be very stressful and I wouldn't recommend it. It would be a very bad place to need towing if you were to break an axel or do some other serious damage to your car. In spite of the rain and the deep water filled holes, I made a nice little hike out of it. I walked just 2 miles and enjoyed the wildflowers along the way.

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