Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pioneer Ridge

I hiked with the Valley Wanderers today, planning to reach Pioneer Ridge. It was a really nice day and everything was going well. We were all staying together and the trail up to the first picnic table was in very good condition. Workers had put in nice wood walkways covering the most swampy difficult areas to cross. We stopped at the picnic table for a snack, at about the 2000 foot level. Charlie and I started up and at one point, I stepped on a slick muddy spot and fell. I'm still really sore from injuring my ribs last Saturday so had trouble pulling myself back up. Charlie helped me up. Then I continued on up, leading, with Bella scampering on ahead as usual. But she stopped and we passed her. A few minutes later one of the other hikers called out to let me know that Bella was throwing up. That really scared me so I let them all pass and checked on her. She threw up a couple more times so I really started to worry. I didn't feel right continuing on the steep trail for several more hours, in case she was really sick or in some sort of trouble. So as Judith passed me I told her to let the others know I was turning back. After my fall I didn't feel comfortable negotiating the mud so stopped and put my microspikes on my shoes. I started down and Bella stayed mostly right with me. She didn't throw up any more and was quite likely doing just fine. Maybe she had just been eating grass along the way, but I didn't want to take any chances. So I was glad we turned back, although I was looking forward to getting to the ridge again. I took my time and took a few pictures. Bella was fine the whole way down and has recovered from whatever was bothering her. I know she loves to hike, but she's just a tiny dog and over 9 years old. I always keep in mind that some of these hard hikes could be too much for her. Protecting her will always be first when she is with me.

Knik Glacier View

Bella giving Kim some doggie kisses

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