Thursday, August 29, 2024

Gold Cord Lake

 I took a nice hike up to Gold Cord Lake today with Bella the dog and my friend, Mark Simpson. It was very cloudy but at least not raining as we hiked. We did a little exploring once we got to the lake. We've both wondered what might be up on the ledge to the north of the lake. It looks like it should also have a lake just based on how it looks. I have flown up there in my plane and confirmed that there is not a lake there. But it still looks like it would be an interesting place to visit. The pointed peak called The Pinnacle is at the far end of that flat spot. We tried walking up to the ridge beside Gold Cord Lake to see if it looked like there might be a reasonable hiking route to get up there. We couldn't find anything that looked promising. It appears that any possible route would involve some serious boulder crossings. But it certainly would be possible. We decided that a better route would be farther down the Gold Cord Lake Trail even though it seemed like there would be an altitude advantage by crossing over from Gold Cord Lake. Maybe one day I'll try climbing up from lower just to see what is really there. I'm curious what route climbers use to climb The Pinnacle. Perhaps they just climb from the other side of the ridge. I'll have to research that. We got down before it rained.

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