Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hatcher Pass Marathon

 Got up at 4am, walked the dog and took her to my friend, Mark's for the day. My friend Alice stayed at my house last night because I live much closer to Hatcher Pass than she does. We both drove up to the finish line at Hatcher Pass Lodge to catch the shuttle to the start that left at 6:45 am. Alice got car sick from the long winding road on the way down, but was all recovered by 9 when our race actually started. It was pretty chilly and overcast with a little rain at the start. But fortunately the rain stopped. Alice and I stayed together for the first 14 miles. She is a lot younger and a lot faster, so we decided to continue at our own paces at that point. I know I was holding her back. I had some major intestinal upset likely from the dinner we had at the Noisy Goose Restaurant last night. I'm taking that place off my go to restaurant list! This race is really tough with an elevation gain of about 4000 feet. I ended up doing a whole lot more walking than running this time. I was beginning to wonder if I would even make the finish line before the time limit of 9 hours. There was also a 50 mile race that started at the finish line, with runners running the whole way down the mountain to the marathon start line, then running back up through the pass to the finish line. Those folks are incredibly strong! Most of them passed me in both directions. I was once again the last marathon finisher but there were a few 50 milers still out on the course when I finally did reach the finish. This was the hardest Hatcher Pass Marathon for me, partly because I wasn't feeling my best. Mile 18 to 24 is an incredibly steep hill winding its way up through the actual pass. That road is scary even in my car due to its steepness on the bumpy winding gravel road. I was struggling the most on that section. Once at the top, the road takes a rapid descent down to the lodge at the finish. I usually run my fastest down that part. I did it this year as well. But my feet were really hurting along with my back and I wasn't able to sprint quite as quickly as in the past. But I definitely was much faster than any other section of the course. There is small loose gravel all the way down and they were really hurting my feet even through the soles of my shoes. It is also very washboarded and lots of cars were making me nervous because they often got much closer than I would have liked. Once back down to the main paved road to the lodge we are greeted to another steep paved uphill but it isn't very long. It was quite a relief to be past that and running through the parking lot and down the path to the finish line behind the lodge. I've never been quite as relieved to finish as I was today. I did beat the finish time with 45 minutes to spare. Not sure, but I suspect it was my worst time ever for this race. But I am so happy I actually made it. I'm sure I'll be crazy enough to do it again next year. I think I'm a glutton for punishment! I didn't take much time for pictures, just these couple of the fireweed and the creek. I didn't want to make any unnecessary stops. I had enough necessary unwanted stops as it was!
Marathon #170 completed. Hatcher Pass Marathon #10.

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