Friday, October 15, 2021

Long Lake Loop

 I haven't been very active for the  last week.  I've still been having trouble with my right knee and leg from the Equinox Marathon and my fall on the Government Peak Traverse.  The pain has been quite severe at times so I finally consulted my orthopedic physician.  After an MRI and X-rays, he did find that I had bruised the bone where I hit my knee on the fall.  But now the pain has mostly subsided. So I can start to be more active again. In addition to the leg pain I have also been dealing with severe migraine type headaches.  So instead of enjoying hiking and getting ready for the ski season, I've been spending too much time in the emergency room and with various doctors. I've had a couple of CT Scans and MRI's and hope to soon know the cause of all this misery.  The neurologist feels quite certain that it is the result of the fall on the Equinox Marathon where I hit my head, and the time in July when I was running up a hill and smacked my head on the big metal viewing platform on the Little Susitna River. That hit caused a huge bruise that spread over my entire forehead for several weeks.  The headaches and visual disturbances I've been having are consistent with both migraines and the concussions I likely sustained in both of those strikes to my head.  I'm hoping that it all disappears soon so I can resume my normal life.

Today I did take a very nice little 4.6 mile walk on the Long Lake Loop on the Matanuska Lake Trails with my friend Pam and our dogs. It was a beautiful day after a light snowfall last night.  I didn't even get a headache, which is a very good sign!

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