Saturday, May 7, 2011

3 Mile Run + Lazy Mountain Climb

Just a short run today.  But I think I will go for a hike or something.  There might be enough snow up at Hatcher Pass to actually get out the cross country skis for a final chance for the season.

Well, that didn't quite happen.  I didn't bring my skis and when I got up to Hatcher Pass I found so much snow that skis would be the only choice.  On my way back home I thought I would just have a peek at the Lazy Mountain trail.  Next thing I knew, 2 hours later I was on the top.  What a muddy steep mess that climb was.  But it felt great and it was exciting to finally get up there again.  THAT was a hill workout.  3700 at the top.  Snowing a bit up there and pretty windy and chilly.  Now I need to do that about 10 more times before going back to Deadhorse.

Got this great shot with my cell phone of the view from the top towards Matanuska Peak. 

As you can see, Hatcher Pass is still skis only!

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