Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hatcher Pass Marathon

I did it! Slowest marathon ever, and seemed like the toughest because it really is straight up a mountain with a 4000 foot elevation gain, without the luxury of turning around and running straight down the same way. 25 miles up and then just one quick mile down to the finish. It took me 8 hours but that was because I was handicapped ith broken ribs and my arm in a sling because of my broken collarbone that is not healing. Surgery next week! So it was partly a walk and partly a run. I can tell that I am still in quite a weakened state from my injuries plus I have not been training for about a month. But I just wanted to do it, and I did. I believe that was marathon number14.

I don't know if I can do the Anchorage Big Wild Life Marathon on August 21 because I am not sure how I will feel after the surgery. Before another marathon I really want to get in some good training. I will see how quickly I heal.

At the finish at Hatcher Pass.

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