I needed to visit my family off Fairview Loop, so drove over to check out the Scout Ridge Trail off Hay Flats Road near them. The trailhead parking lot was muddy with lots of ice, and the trail itself looked pretty wet. Bella and I walked a short distance on the actual trail, then decided to walk past the gate and go down to the flats themselves. It was a spectacular day to go down there. Most of the snow is gone and there is considerable open water. The area is mostly swamp and is a game refuge for wild birds. We walked across the very nice bridge over Cottonwood Creek. I was surprised to see that the creek seems to be free of ice and running fairly well. I wonder if it would be a nice place to put my kayak later this summer. Once across the bridge, things were far too wet to try hiking the trails. I would have needed my rubber boots. I will be sure to check it out later this spring or summer. When we walked back up the road, we found another trail that connects to the Scout Ridge Trail system and enjoyed the nice views as we made our way back to the car.
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