I hope this lovely day is a sign of things to come for the new year, 2025. After a rough night of Bella freaking out over the neighborhood fireworks, we woke up and took a nice but chilly walk. It was only 15 degrees but at least the wind had finally stopped blowing. Just as we got back to our street, I looked up and saw that the Northern Lights were brightening the dark sky. I didn't expect it to work but tried a quick couple of photos from my cell phone. I am still amazed that using only my phone, I could capture the scene so beautifully.
After our walk we hopped in the car and I drove to the Government Peak Recreation Area to meet the Valley Wanderers at 9am. Our plan was to hike the Government Peak Race Trail to the second picnic table, in time to see the first sunrise of the year. Bella managed to escape from one of her suspender booties just as I got out of the car at the parking lot. I really felt she would need them because it was so cold. But I didn't want to hold up the others more than necessary while I put them back on. She never seems to like them and the snow was hard pack. She mostly did fine without them. Plus likely preferred it that way. Our original plan was to snowshoe, but conditions were better for just micro spikes. I had fortunately recently purchased a nice sharp new pair. I was very glad because my old ones would have done lots of slipping on the very icy sections. We got to the upper table before the sun rose above the mountains. We took a break there and took time taking pictures of the brilliant orange sky as the sun worked its way up. We started down before it actually crossed above Pioneer Peak but by the time we were down we were hiking in bright sunshine. It was perfect conditions for hiking and snowshoes were definitely not needed. By the time we were back down to the lower picnic table, I noticed Bella was lifting up her paws and stopping now and then. I could tell she was finally getting a little cold. So I put her in my dog carry backpack and she got to ride the rest of the way down. I think she enjoyed the ride.
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