Friday, December 27, 2024

Mat-Su Moose Range Walk

 Normally at this time of the year, this area is beautifully groomed for skiing. But even though it appears to have been groomed once, it was pretty chewed up by ATV's and not in the best condition for skiing. We need a lot more snow around here. So I just had a nice hike instead. There isn't a lot of snow but at least there is enough to cover the ice from the recent rains we've been having. I wore my micro spikes on my boots but may have done fine without them. Bella and I walked out to the main swamp but we encountered some serious open water so turned around. Instead of crossing that, we followed a nice ATV trail that was well packed and easy to follow. I went farther than I ever have on that trail.  When Bella reached the Wasilla Creek Bridge, she came to an abrupt halt, turned around and gave me a perplexed look. The bridge is metal with an open steel mesh. Her tiny feet would likely go right through the openings. It was getting late and we were running out of daylight so rather than carry her across the bridge, I chose to turn back. We covered 4 miles round trip. It was fairly warm and still lovely in spite of the clouds and an occasional snowflake. The bridge is really nice. I'm glad I got to see it. That area is basically the headwaters of Wasilla Creek. From there that meandering creek  seems to cross every road and trail in the entire area. 

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