Saturday, May 18, 2019

Great Wall Marathon

I made it!  I finished the Great Wall Marathon in the time limit too!  I was so worried and my confidence was at an all time low.  The time limit to be finished with the first climb of the wall, the race through the villages, and back to the start line around mile 22, was 6 hours or they would block off entrance to climb the wall section in reverse and finish. The first 3 mile steep hill to finally reach the wall had me as intimidated as the wall section itself.  But we had some really good luck with the weather.  Instead of the 90 degree heat of the last few days, we woke up to cool, windy and overcast. At the start I was actually cold!

But the first hill was a struggle, the wall was a very difficult and slow climb, but I did feel strong.  I was able to run slowly down the stairs on the down side of the wall.  I was surprised at how many hills I encountered while running the parts through the villages. In places it was very muddy and loose gravel.  I only had to take a rock out of my shoe once, but was wishing I had worn my gaiters. 

I was so shocked and happy when I reached that first trip past the start/finish and still had 15 minutes to spare. I suddenly felt hopeful that it might be possible to finish. At least I had made the intermediate time limit. I was able to continue on the second climb of the wall in the reverse direction.  It was definitely steeper in that direction and seemed to go on forever.  We were stopped for a few minutes while the medical rescue people carried an injured person down the stairs.  I was concerned that the delay would cause me to miss the 8 hour time limit.  But I later learned that they did extend the time limit to compensate for that delay.

Once I reached the top and looked at my time, I finally realized I had a chance of actually reaching the finish in time.  I ran as fast as I could down all those stairs and was flying past everyone once I reached the long steep 3 mile hill that had caused so much concern on my way up.  I was fighting back tears when I crossed the finish at 7:50:34.  Certainly not a great marathon time, but good enough for an official finish.  I had done it, I had conquered The Wall. 

The Finish!

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