Sunday, October 13, 2024

Gold Mint Trail

 Yesterday was so windy I didn't even leave the house, except for short dog walks. But it's cold and calm today. By noon I was bored and had to get out of the house. I didn't have a plan, and didn't even wear my hiking boots, just my snow boots for warmth. It looked pretty nice up towards Hatcher Pass so I drove up there, intending to just walk a mile or 2 on the Gold Mint Trail. But it was so pleasant that I just kept going and going. Normally around mile 4 or 5 it starts to get very muddy due to beaver ponds encroaching on the trail. I figured I would definitely turn back when I came to that area. But around mile 4 the trail was still mostly mud free. I finally turned back at mile 4.5 just because it was getting windy and also getting late. I let Bella off her leash and she ran ahead exploring everything. I used my Peak Viser app on my phone and identified several of the distant mountain peaks. I was surprised to see how both Souvenir Peak and Arkose Peaks looked from that side of the mountain range. It turned out to be a lovely day for pictures and an excellent solo 9 mile hike. 

Arkose Peak

Souvenir Peak

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