Saturday, September 28, 2024

Government Peak Waterfall Hike

 Today was just a short, but of course, very steep hike to the waterfall on Government Peak. I've seen where the trail takes off of the main race trail towards the falls, but have never hiked over to see it. This morning there was heavy frost on the car and I wondered if I would be cold on this hike. But the sun came out and I was quite comfortable. The trail was wet and had some muddy spots, but until we reached the turnoff to the falls, it wasn't too bad. We all put on our microspikes at that point though because it was a much narrower and more slippery trail. I was quite glad I brought them along. In fact, I wore them all the way back down to the parking lot. The falls are quite beautiful and are the source of the main creek we follow as we hike the the Government Peak Race Trail. It turned into a beautiful day and finally got up to 50 degrees. It was only about 3 miles round trip, but still a nice steep workout with the Valley Wanderers. Bella led the way most of the time, as usual.

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