Wednesday, May 1, 2019

To The Carrot

I ran to the creek and the carrot again, my favorite 5 mile run.  It was chilly, in the high 30's but I warmed up while running.  I'm still kind of tired from Oklahoma so the big hills were difficult.  But I definitely like my new shoes.  I don't know how much running I will get in this week because I have so much heavy work to do in my yard.  I need to use my chainsaw and cut up many trees still lying in the yard from last summer.  Then I need to haul them and also haul thousands of branches to the burn pile.  It is a lot harder work than running or anything I could do in a gym, so I'm going to consider all of that cross training. 

But today I did get in my 5 miles to the carrot.  There is a lot of damage from the earthquake on the hills past Wolverine Creek.  The road is quite cracked and warped all the way up that hill.  I have to be careful not to trip on any of the big cracks.

Quake Cracks

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